Archives for posts with tag: Biking

I have been taking some time to reflect over the miles covered in the past months and where to move forward. In a small town called Wall I ran across four biker’s with dirt on their faces and saddle bags weighed down, they had literally been hitting the dusty trail. It somewhat peaked my interest on the whole matter of biking. I overheard them taking about how they ate 50 miles for breakfast. There is something energizing about riding in a pack for distances at a time.


Back in my town I’m calling home Sioux Falls, I have been considering the food we have been eating and the high prices for the term “organic” which we consume. On the long stretch of road from the Black Hills to our homestead the radio tuned in and out, I caught just enough of it to hear Meat Glue and wondered what is that? Turns out they take bad, small pieces of meat and push it together with some toxic glue and mark Premium meat on it. Great, I even think that some of the organic products we buy may not be with the best guidelines but who is to say. Often when the fruit sticker reads Mexico I am a little skeptical, but I buy in good faith. Over the next weeks I am going to be diving into our food supply.


Just why is there over two hundred billboard signs for this small town. A sign for every need, want, or desire. Coffee, Free water, cheap gold, if only they had the answers for life’s hard questions up there.


We head for the hills west, on the drive I couldn’t help but think of the settlers before us. Stopped in a tiny town of 284 for lunch opened the hatch and out flew the lunch. Town was complete with one slide, some horse shoes as big as Aida’s body and yes a white picnic table for lunch.

The cabin is just out of keystone called the crossroads cabins, pure bliss tasteful style, the smell of pine seeps from the walls and silence takes hold of you. 20120604-212342.jpg



Lynden is all over making sure the bike stays in good health. Just a little bit more air and we are all set. a few more days to go. I have been thinking on things that I would like to take from this challenge and embed them into my everyday life, so tomorrows post will be just that.


The birthday day started out in such a particular way forgot to put the lid on the coffee pot making the filter load down with water but a strong cup in my hand. Moving on from there was the poop on the hot wheels and now look, it was on my finger. I praised Aida just moments before about finally making the poop go in the toilet, yes the last step we are here. Well she just didn’t hang around long enough. She does see something wrong with poop on the rug and even worse the prize Hot Wheels.

The rest of the afternoon hours were quite and peaceful. Saddled up for a ride to meet the husband for dinner.Sushi not a fond choice of Chads but tasty, savory, dish for me. We ate at Tokyo Sushi were they made the pints a pair of easy chopsticks for their culinary experience.



Lynden snapped this one himself. Mummy the apple of his eye.


I love Sioux Falls for its underground Organic just good people trying to do good things.  Stopped by Olive destination and was in heaven with all of the dreamy choices. It is a tasting store so you can si the oil and try blending things. Wrapped it up in this perfect present for me and tossed it in the bucket. Road four miles more today.

The truth is often hard to stomach so it easier to push it off to another day. I am going to do the Sioux Falls Bike Trail ride starting at Yankton trail. I often feel puzzled on which way to go out there, kind of like a bad rendision of the Little red riding hood. I seem to stumble my way across the vast open trail clinging to the occasional passer. I hope to have someone there to be a trail guide but if I must I will do it alone, well except those pint size people in the back.

I heard something today that set the bike trail into action. I feel as if I have been dragging my heels not wanting to go out on my challenge on a bad note. People often speak what their goals are with the world but often this triggers the brain as if I have all ready done it, no need to move on with it. I think there could be some grain of truth to that. So instead they suggested to tell only what you have done.

Aida and I cycled to the Pomegranate on a girls night out. So cute, Lynden always rides with us so it was fun to see Aida take up the seat. She sang and talked to her little pink doll. We brought back the loot and made a tasty dessert for all. Four quick miles and my pedometer is back to working lovely.




This was so simple we made it just in time to scoop up the last Great Harvest pound cake muffins. Put a little sugar, vanilla, and delish fresh cream in a glass bottle. Mix it all up with a blinder stick and serve.

My Aida working on a book I made for her. The rain fell outside today around our lovely Cape Cod. Inside we were happy as clams, I got over my feelings of being blue about homeschooling. Sometimes I wonder if I am doing enough or if what I am doing is truly making a impact on there little minds. But as I cycled the other day and a biker passed by I thought there will always be someone better than you and that’s just ok with me.





We road into the wind today at an angle to keep us going straight on our course. The wind was blowing to the side and made the bike want to go anywhere but on the sidewalk. With rain rain on the way we enjoyed the warm wind anyways. You can never just shop at one store even on bike for your edible delites so we coasted down to the Pomegranate.

We are loving that summer is on its way… here are the things we enjoyed today. Road four windy miles.


fresh fruit with dinner the little one’s love to help themselves and share.


The first flower from my yard so elegant and simple all in white.

Such a bitter-sweet day Aida and I have stopped nursing, tonight was our last session. Aida agreed to the proposal but subject to change at tomorrow’s bed time. Sweet girl I lingered in her room well after she was sleep thinking of the moments when she was small.The kids are made up of all our best qualities, all rolled into one. The simple times of a child to be excited when you receive a dollar, to be tickled pink for a bowl of strawberry ice cream. Now a dollar what is that it? Ice cream, cookies, and cake now you are talking.

I’m exhausted and want the car. It would be one thing if I didn’t have a car, but it’s like a dieter with a cupboard full of chocolate bars. You just want to consume what you have lying around. I am going to need the help of my husband to help pull me through this challenge. I hate to do this to you husband, but bring my old chick bike out of retirement and ride with us.


I was a little fearful of the overpasses today due to my sheer size, so I stuck to the streets today. The wind did feel amazing sweeping across my face. Counting down the days til glory day, only 18 left. I feel strange about the whole matter, part of me is sad and the other part is relieved. After this week with the kids full-time, teaching, and all of the duties of the house I am just tapped. Chad will be home tomorrow evening but I did have a low this week as I brushed up against the car and thought no one would know you took the car out! So instead I made all the things we like to eat, gave myself a makeover, and ate a lot of chocolate and had the imported two buck chuck. Oh how I do miss my Trader Joes. I just did not have a lot of energy left to devote to the bike.


Turkey Burger delish made on the grill while the kids watered each other instead of the plants. Lynden commented on the oddness of the meal name and said Turkey burgers huh that’s a funny name. Yum!

Happy mothers day to all my biking mum’s. I had a blissful day with my family. My gift was a burst of color to the yard plants galore. Then a trip to the milky way for some ice cream.







Love it when the day go’s just how you planned.